Tuesday 23 October 2018

Planning with PittStop – Part 1 – Getting Started & Adding Tasks

PittStop can help you plan your tasks and to do lists – a great alternative to having lots of paper notes everywhere!

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You can download a free 28 day trial of PittStop – there are no obligations, you don't need to give us your e-mail address, and we certainly won't be installing spyware! Give the software a chance, and discover how it can make a difference to getting your work done and planning tasks.

After you install PittStop and run the software for the first time, you'll see the following screen:

There are four different ways you can view your tasks – you can see the tasks for each project, tasks for particular days (in the Calendar section), tasks for each member of staff or as an overall list.

To add your first task, just click the “Add Task” button!

You can then select the project, category and a description of the task. You can also assign tasks to a particular day, set deadlines and delegate tasks to different members of staff. There is also an option to type in notes/additional information for that task.

PittStop allows you to prioritise tasks, and set the status for each task.

When you view a list of tasks, you will notice that tasks are higlighted different colours depending on the status of that task (e.g. ongoing tasks are blue):

Double click a task to modify or view details for that task. You can also right click a task for additional options – including the option to update the status of the current task:

If you have an existing list of tasks, you can import these from a text or CSV file (and we can also help you transfer any existing data across if required).

One of the best ways to become familiar with PittStop is to spend some time trying the software, and experiment with the different features.

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If you have any questions, need further help or if there is something you would like to see covered, e-mail: support@libraryplayer.co.uk

Tomorrow: setting up and managing different projects in PittStop.