Wednesday 24 October 2018

Planning with PittStop – Part 2 – Projects

If you haven't already, you can download and try PittStop for free for up to 28 days (you don't need to register or provide us with your details – just click the download button), and if you like the software and it helps make a difference to your planning, you can upgrade and buy the full version to continue using PittStop.

Purchase Commercial Edition

In PittStop, you can split tasks into different projects:

Each project can then be split further into different categories.

For example, you may be working on a software development project – that project is then split into different categories, for example designing, testing, coding, etc.

In the Projects section of PittStop, you can view tasks for each project. To see all the tasks for a project, just select that project.

To add a new project, click the Add Project button below the project list.

You can then enter details for that project – including the name of the project, and a start/end date.

In the list of projects, double click a project to modify that project.

You can right-click a project to display options for that project, including archiving that project (which is useful once a project is completed, as it hides the project from the main list but keeps it archived).

You can change between viewing current projects and archived projects using the option at the bottom of the projects list:

Project Categories

To add/manage the different categories for that project, click the Categories button in the list of tasks for that project.

You can then add, rename and delete categories. There are also options to import/export the list of categories from/to a text file, and to duplicate the categories for another project.

At the top of the task list are options to filter tasks, so the current task list only displays tasks with a particular priority, status or containing a particular keyword. At the bottom of the list of possible filters are options to filter tasks for different categories, so only tasks for that category will be displayed.

Have any questions about projects in PittStop? Or have any other challenges managing your time, tasks and projects in general? Contact and we'll be happy to discuss further.

Purchase Commercial Edition

Tomorrow: using PittStop to plan your tasks for next week!